South Florida Trees

Fishtail Palms

Fishtail Palms
Caryota spp.
Plant Family: Palmae
Leaves: Palmate, but twice-compound, unlike all other palm species. The leaflets on each segment are shaped like the tail of a fish.
Bark: The trunks may be solitary or multiple, depending on the species, and are often covered with dark matting and old leaf bases.
Flowers: Small, white, in long, drooping clusters in the spring.
Fruits: Rounded, green, ripening to black, from 1 to 2 cm, depending on the species, typically held in long drooping clusters in summer to fall.
Habitat: Planted throughout south Florida, Fishtail Palms may naturalize.
Growth Form: Small to medium-sized trees.
Key Feature: The compound leaves with the distinctive leaflet shape are unique, allowing placement of any particular specimen of Fishtail Palm within the genus Caryota.
The Fishtail Palms are native to Asia and the East Indies and comprise as many as twelve species, several of which are grown in south Florida.